I'm so badass!

After World War III in 85...
By Steve Glenn

RADIO FREE STEVE, the world's last living radio pirate, gasses up his VAN and hits the post-apocalyptic highway, dealing pharmaceutical grade freedom to radio-listeners and death by crossbow to the vampire MUTANTS who dare skitter across his path.

Run out of Texas by the fascist censors of the FCC, Steve grabs his on-the-rag SLAVE GIRL Sheena and heads Westbound - into the Forbidden Zone - on a quixotic quest to find the last bastion of uncontaminated American culture: NEW LOS ANGELES.

1980s VIDEO VISIONARY Steve Glenn invites you along on his ROAD TRIP through the mucky muck of bad taste and bad language - a NIGHTMARE FUTURE culled from cult classics such as The Road Warrior, Omega Man, and Smokey and the Bandit Part II.

RADIO FREE STEVE may be tough to swallow, but it's too dang funny to throw back up. So come on! Chug a beer and buckle yer damn lap belt. This one's a HOOT.

I shot this movie with some video equipment I borrowed from KLST. My friend Dirk held the camera mostly and I starred in it. I kidnapped my girlfriend Trish Caldwell from a lame party (she was pissed) and we headed out to LA to try out to be VJs on the short-lived Music Video Network. I wanted to be a VJ so badly. MVN was so cool and futuristic with all those robots and Europeans. I wanted to be a part of that future, so I headed west.

On the way, we made this movie that had all kinds of mutants and car chases and other cool shit. We got all our friends to help out. My old soccer buddy, Jeff Morenz, played this drunk guy named Moonshine. My neighbor, Bruce Porter, had these wierd artist friends in Marfa, TX and got them to let us shoot at their artsy fartsy place out there. (Of course, I had to give him a part in the movie). It was pretty fun except that Trish kept pussin out on me and Dirk got all bossy, like it was all his movie or something. What a dick. So we never finished it. Until recently, that is.

Check it out. My van was totally gorgeous. It was loaded up with all kinds of old radio equip I picked up while working for KIXY. I had it souped up to transmit radio shows from the road. It's good to stay mobile so the Friendly Candy Company can't find you. And on the roof I had a bad ass toprack of ultraglare highbeams for spotlighting mutants.

My Camaro was so fucking nitro. I was such an idiot to let Dirk drive it in the show. He was constantly peeling out. I have to say he looked pretty good though. Every show has some kind of bad guy that kicks the hero in the balls a few times.

My girlfriend, Trish, came along and caused all this ruckus. She was cool mosttimes, but every once in awhile she'd get on my nerves so bad that I felt like tying her to the grill of the van and using her as mutant bumper. She just didn't get it. Then we picked up this dickhead Preppie hitchhiker, and that's when shit hit the fan. I sent Trish back home somewhere in Arizona.

So me and Dirk were left to carry on, which was fine, until Dirk got all shitty and, well, that was that. I guess y'all can see for yourselves soon enough. Things got pretty weird.

When I finally got back to Texas I decided to try editing the incomplete (thanks to Dirk) footage. My plan was to edit nights at KLST, the TV station, but they were a little pissed about me borrowing their equipment. And I broke 2 of their cameras when I duct-taped them to the sides of the Van in New Mexico. So, I decided to edit it myself. I tried to rig together what would become the first computer-based non-linear editing system in history. Unfortunately I ran into some problems with this Commodore 64 based system. First, I had to write the editing program using BASIC. That took 5 months. After a year of tryin' to git this sorry sumbitch to work, I had only about 20 seconds cut together, all stored on 188 5.5" floppy disks. Then I said fuck it and entered Devry in the fall of '85 to get my Masters in Advanced Video Duplication Theory.

And that was the end of Radio Free Steve. Until now, that is.